I work part time for EAMENA under the supervision of Dr Michael Fradley, analysing satellite imagery from across the Middle East (predominantly the Jordan-Saudi Arabia border area) to identify possible archaeological sites.
I am currently reading for an MPhil in Classical Archaeology at the University of Oxford, supervised by Dr Mannack, having completed my BA in Classical Archaeology & Ancient History here in 2020. My primary focus within my current degree is Greek art, specifically Greek sculpture and pottery, alongside Classical maritime archaeology. My thesis will focus on Geometric Greek pottery and narrative.
Outside of my degree, I am interested in heritage policy and endangered heritage, especially concerning climate change. I recently led research on National Historic Ships UK’s forthcoming report on the impact of climate change on the UK’s historic ships. I have recently published an article with Anthroposphere on the current and future impacts of climate change on archaeology and heritage, with reference to the work of EAMENA.
I have previously excavated at the site of Halaesa in northern Sicily and will hopefully be excavating at Aphrodisias in Turkey this coming summer, as well as taking part in post-excavation at Roman Vindolanda in Northumbria, UK.
Contact email: abigail.allan@lmh.ox.ac.uk