
2024 Rouhani, B. & Huet, T. Historical Landscape of Sistan in Iran and Afghanistan: EAMENA Dataset for Assessing Environmental Impact on Cultural Heritage

Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD)


2023 Rouhani, B. & Romão, X (Eds) Managing Disaster Risks to Cultural Heritage: From Risk Preparedness to Recovery for Immoveable Heritage




Rouhani, B.

Ethically digital: contested cultural heritage in digital context

Studies in Digital Heritage, 7; No.1: 1 - 16


Vileikis O, Rigauts T, Rouhani B, Ziane Bouziane M, Santana Quintero M

Dive into heritage: a digital documentation platform of world heritage properties in the Arab states region

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 48; M-2-2023: 1613 - 1620



Fradley, M., Wilson, A., Finlayson, B. and Bewley, R.

A lost campaign? New evidence of Roman temporary camps in northern Arabia

Antiquity, 97 (393): E15


Fradley, M., Simi, F. and Guagnin, M. 

Following the Herds? A new distribution of kites in southwest Asia

Holocene, 32 (11):


Mubaideen, S., Salameen, D., Momani, R.

Using the EAMENA database to document modern heritage: the Amman Heritage Houses, Jordan, case study

Levant (EAMENA special issue), (guest editors Flohr, Fradley, Ten Harkel) 53 (3): 302-314

2022 Mamo, A. R., Ibraheem, I. M., Al Kassem, A., Al-Khalil, A., & Hopper, K. The impact of the Syrian conflict on archaeological sites in Al-Hasakah province Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 43, Article 103486.


Ten Harkel, L., Fradley, M., Flohr, P., Vadafari, and Neogi, S.

Documenting heritage in the 21st century: the EAMENA project and its potential for ‘big data’ research in Levantine archaeology

Levant (EAMENA special issue), (guest editors Flohr, Fradley, Ten Harkel) 53 (3): 265-281


Izzo, P., Fradley, M., Zerbini, A.

Snapshots from the past: discoveries and destruction in the Jericho Oasis

Levant (EAMENA special issue), (guest editors Flohr, Fradley, Ten Harkel) 53 (3): 315-335


Andreou, G., Fradley, M. Blue, L. and Breen, C. 

Establishing a baseline for the study of maritime cultural heritage in the Gaza Strip 

Palestine Exploration Quarterly


Sconzo P., Simi F., Ahmadpour A.

Social Lives of Monumental Walls: Hunting along the Upper Tigris (Kurdistan Region of Iraq)

Journal of Field Archaeology, 46 (3): 153-171


Fradley, M.

British inter-war aerial photogrammetric mapping missions in the MENA region: archives, access and archaeological research potential

Levant (EAMENA special issue), (guest editors Flohr, Fradley, Ten Harkel) 53 (3): 336-346


Ten Harkel, L., McPhillips, S and Murray, O. 

The Archaeology of an Endangered Late Ottoman Productive Landscape in Lebanon

Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology Newsletter, (Spring 2021)


Ten Harkel, L. & Fisher, M.

The EAMENA database and its potential impact on research and heritage management: a case study of Crusader heritage in Lebanon

Levant (EAMENA special issue), (guest editors Flohr, Fradley, Ten Harkel) 53 (3): 282-301


Flohr, P., Bradbury, J., Ten Harkel, L.

Tracing the patterns: Fields, villages, and burial places in Lebanon

Levant (EAMENA special issue), (guest editors Flohr, Fradley, Ten Harkel), 53 (3): 315-335


Fradley, M. and Simi, F. 

Remote Survey of Desert Kites in Northern Arabia

IASA Bulletin 26

2021 Garcia-Molsosa, A., Orengo, H. A., Lawrence, D., Philip, G., Hopper, K., & Petrie, C. Potential of deep learning segmentation for the extraction of archaeological features from historical map series.
Archaeological Prospection, 28 (2), 187-199. 


Fradley, M.

Two ‘cities’ on Yemen’s Tihamah Plain

IASA Bulletin 26


Fisher, M., Fradley, M., Flohr, P., Rouhani, B. and Simi, F. 

Ethical considerations for remote sensing and open data in relation to the endangered archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa project

Archaeological Prospection, 28 (3):279-292

2021 Fobbe, S., Navrouzov, N., Hopper, K., Khudida Burjus, A., Philip, G., Nawaf, M. G., Mishko, F. Cultural Heritage Destruction during the Islamic State's Genocide against the Yazidis. In J. Rehman, A. Shahid, & S. Foster (Eds.), The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (111-114). 


Flohr, P., and Finlayson, B

Revisiting Late Neolithic sites in Jordan, autumn 2018

Annual of the Department of Antiquities in Jordan (ADAJ), 60


Flohr, P., and Finlayson, B.

Late Neolithic on the Karak Plateau: 2018 and 2019 seasons

Archaeology in Jordan, 2, 2018-2019

2020 Hopper, K., & Omrani Rekavandi, H. Investigating Mobile Pastoralist Landscapes in North East Iran: The Contribution of Remote Sensing.  In D. Lawrence, M. Altaweel, & G. Philip (Eds.), New agendas in remote sensing and landscape archaeology in the Near East : studies in honour of Tony J. Wilkinson (94-108)


Stein, G. and Fisher, M.

Surezha excavations 2019: Erbil plain, Kurdistan region, Iraq The Oriental Institute 2019-2020 Annual Report, 127-145


Rayne, L., Gatto, M.C., Abdulaati, L., Al-Haddad, M., Sterry, M., Sheldrick, N., and Mattingly, D.

Detecting change at archaeological sites in North Africa using open-source satellite imagery. 

Remote Sensing, 12: 3694


Nikolaus, J., Rayne, L., & Sheldrick, N.

The EAMENA and MarEA Projects: Notes on current Training and Research in Libya and beyond.

Quaderni di Archeologia della Libia, 22, 203–206


Vafadari, A., Graham Philip, P., and Jennings, R.

A tool and methodology for rapid assessment and monitoring of heritage places in a disaster and post-disaster context: Syria as a case study

In M. Dawson & E. James (Eds.), Heritage Under pressure – Threats and Solutions. Studies of Agency and Soft Power in the Historic Environment, pp 87-100.


Graham, P., Lawrence, D., and Hopper K.

Section 4: Evidence Report (Analysis Sections)

Destroying the Soul of the Yazidis: Cultural Heritage Destruction During the Islamic State's Genocide Against the Yazidis (Web)


Brodie, N.

Through a Glass, Darkly: Long-term Antiquities Auction Data in Context

International Journal of Cultural Property, 26 (3): 265-283


Brodie, N.

The Criminal Organization of the Transnational Trade in Cultural Objects

In S. Hufnagel & D. Chappell (Eds.),The Palgrave Handbook on Art Crime,  pp 439-461


Fradley, M., and Bewley, R.

Endangered Archaeology in southern Arabia: the work of the EAMENA project in Yemen and Oman

Journal of the British-Yemeni Society,

2019 Fobbe, S., Navrouzov, N., Hopper, K., Khudida Burjus, A., Philip, G., Nawaf, M. G., Qari, D. S. Destroying the Soul of the Yazidis: Cultural Heritage Destruction During the Islamic State's Genocide Against the Yazidis.  [No known commissioning body]


Fradley, M. and Hardouin, S

Remote Sensing of Endangered Archaeology on Gebel Ataqah Egypt

PalArch, 16 (2)


Hobson, M.

EAMENA training in the use of satellite remote sensing and digitaltechnologies in heritage management: Libya and Tunisia workshops2017–2019

Libyan Studies, 50:63-71


Bewley, R.

Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa

In M. Dawson & E. James (Eds.), Heritage Under pressure – Threats and Solutions. Studies of Agency and Soft Power in the Historic Environment. pp 75-86.


Bishop et al.

Military sites poster

Limes, XIII


Nikolaus et al.

The EAMENA and MarEA Projects: Notes on Current Training and Research in Libya and Beyond

Quaderni di archeologia della Libia, 22: 2020


Ten Harkel, L. and Bewley, R.

An incredible journey? Understanding ancient landscapes from England to the Middle East and North Africa

Medieval Settlement Research, 33: 40-59


Bewley, R.

Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa

Conservation Perspectives: The GCI Newsletter; 33.1


Bewley, R., Bradbury, J., and Zerbini, A.

Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa

BFSA Bulletin, 23: 2018


Zerbini, A.

Developing a Heritage Database for the Middle East and North Africa

Journal of Field Archaeology, 43, sup1


Brodie, N.

The Illicit Antiquities Research Centre: afterthoughts and aftermaths

In E. Simpson (Ed.), The Adventure of the Illustrious Scholar: Papers Presented to Oscar White Muscarella, pp 719-733


Brodie, N. and Sabrine, I.

The illegal excavation and trade of Syrian cultural objects: a view from the ground.

Journal of Field Archaeology, 43: 74–84.

2018 Bewley, R., Bishop, M., Cunliffe, E., Kennedy, D., Sheldrick, N., & Wilson, A. Roman Military Archaeology in Danger Limes XXIII: Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies Ingolstadt 2015: 1060-1063


Brodie, N.

Problematizing the encyclopedic museum: the Benin bronzes and ivories in historical context.

In B. Effros & G. Lai (Eds.), Unmasking Ideologies: The Vocabulary and Symbols of Colonial Archaeology, pp 61–82.


Zerbini, A. and Fradley, M

Higher resolution satellite imagery of Israel and Palestine: Re-assessing the Kyl-Bingaman Amendment

Space Policy, Vol. 44-45: 47-28


Brodie, N.

Trafficking the past.

Smarthistory, August 31, 2017 (web)


Brodie, N. and Manivet, P

Cylinder seal sales at Sotheby’s and Christie’s (1985-2013).

Journal of Art Crime, 17: 3–16.


Brodie, N.

Protection not Prevention: The failure of public policy to prevent the plunder and traffic of cultural property from the MENA region (1990-2015).

In J. Anderson & H. Geismar (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to Cultural Property, pp 89–107.


Brodie, N.

How to Control the Internet Market in Antiquities? The Need for Regulation and Monitoring.

Antiquities Coalition Policy Brief, no. 3. Antiquities Coalition.


Brodie, N.

Virtually gone! The Internet market in antiquities.

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Experts on the Return of Cultural Property. Seoul: Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation: 190–204.


Brodie, N.

The role of conservators in facilitating the theft and trafficking of cultural objects: the case of a seized Libyan statue.

Libyan Studies, 48: 117–123.


Vafadari, A., Philip, G. and Jennings, R

Damage Assessment and Monitoring of Cultural Heritage Places in a Disaster and Post-disaster Event - A Case Study of Syria

ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Spatial Information Sciences. IV-2-W2,


Sheldrick, N. and Zerbini, A.

A heritage inventory for documenting endangered archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa

ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Spatial Information Sciences. IV-2-W2, 237-241


Rayne, L., Sheldrick, N. and Nikolaus, J.

Endangered Archaeology in Libya: recording damage and destruction

Libyan Studies, 48: 23-49


Rayne, L., Bradbury, J., Mattingly, D., Philip, G., Bewley, R. and Wilson, A.

From Above and on the Ground: Geospatial Methods for Recording Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa

Geosciences, 2017, 7 (4)


Banks, R., Fradley, M., Shiettecatte, J. and Zerbini, A.

An integrated approach to surveying the archaeological landscapes of Yemen

JSTOR, 47: 9-23


Fradley, M. and Sheldrick, N

Final comments: Looking to the future

Antiquity, 91(357): 784-792.


Fradley, M. and Sheldrick, N

Satellite imagery and heritage damage in Egypt: a response to ‘Satellite evidence of archaeological site looting in Egypt: 2002–2013’ (Parcak et al. 2016)

Antiquity, 91(357): 784-792.


Cunliffe, E

Heritage Destruction: lessons from the Middle East and North Africa region for post-conflict countries

In P. Schneider (Ed.), Proceedings of the 4th HCSM Conference - Catastrophe and Challenge: Cultural Heritage in Post-Conflict Recovery, pp 113-126


Bewley, R. and Bradbury, J

The Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa Project: Origins, Development and Future Directions

Bulletin for the Council for British Research in the Levant, 12 (1): 15-20


Bewley, R.

Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa (EAMENA) 

Approach and Possible Solutions

In P. Newsom & R. Young, (Eds.), Post-Conflict Archaeology and Cultural Heritage: Rebuilding Knowledge, Memory and Community from War-Damaged Material Culture, Chapter 3


Bewley et al

Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa: Introducing the EAMENA Project

In S. Campana, R. Scopigno, G. Carpentiero, & M. Cirillo (Eds.), iCAA2015. Keep the Revolution Going: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, pp 919–32


Brodie, N

Scholarly engagement with collections of unprovenanced ancient texts

In K. Almqvist, & L. Belfrage (Eds.), Cultural Heritage at Risk, pp 123–142.


Cunliffe, E.

After ISIS storms Palmyra, race is on to log global heritage

New Scientist