I am also involved in the implementation of the new Mega-Jordan Database project using the latest EAMENA database.
As a Jordanian lady who spent almost all her childhood in Wadi Mousa – near Petra, hearing her relatives talking about that amazing site and how much it is important and attached to their lives, I think this makes me genetically attached to the heritage and think always how to protect and improve the Jordanian heritage.
I have a Bachelor Degree in Geomatics Engineering, and am a specialist in Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques.
I am working at the Department of Antiquities of Jordan Since 2017, and I am the coordinator of EAMENA Project.
I was trained by the EAMENA project in 2018, then I continued my work with the project as a trainer, and since then I attended many EAMENA training events in Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, and Ethiopia. Using EAMENA methodology and remote sensing techniques, I also record and evaluate the condition of the archaeological landscape in Jordan to create an accessible body of data. This dataset can be used by the national heritage professionals to target those sites that are most in danger, and to better planning and implementing the protection measures. I am also involved in the implementation of the new Mega-Jordan Database project using the latest EAMENA database.
I am also a recipient of the Global Heritage Fund and Kaplan Award: From Training to Implementation for documenting Amman heritage houses with a team of heritage professionals.